Watchmen (2019)
Anyone saying that this isn't Watchmen never read Watchmen
28 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watchmen at its heart as a graphic novel and now a TV show isn't about deconstructing the myth of the superhero. It's about us. It's a very dark, realistic take on our country and our people with superheroes as the cherry on top.

This show demonstrates that beautifully. While the comic was about the fear and anxiety of the 80's, this show is about today. The writing is clever. The subtle ways the writers managed to continue from where the comic left off (just a few decades later) is very well done. The way the show mocks many of the folks here who are complaining about the show being "too political" (as if the graphic novel wasn't) by having their beloved Rorschach be the face of a white supremacist movement is sharp. If you saw him as the hero the first time around, Moore's comic and its themes went right over your head. I love how this show points that out.

Regina King is a force to be reckoned with. This show is exactly what a true fan would want and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to revisit the source material.
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