Review of Parasite

Parasite (2019)
One of the most thought provoking films I've ever seen
5 November 2019
Do you want to see a movie that will have your stomach in knots, anxious during many scenes? Do you want to see a movie that will have you conflicted on who you're rooting for? Regardless of your answers, see Parasite. Parasite ticks along quietly until it is booming in your ears. The symbolism varies. Sometimes it is obvious, Bong Joon-ho might as well have made the subtitles spell it out. But other times it is more subtle, and you might realize a connection or symbolism days or weeks after. Bong Joon-ho is a master at that. The conversation that it sparks is worth the $13-20 it costs to see the film. Parasite has made me think more than most films I've seen. Give it a watch, see it with friends or family and the dinner table will have a conversation overflowing with opinions and realizations.
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