5 November 2019
This movie starts out having you believe it is like any other and it triggers you to form an opinion early on to the affect of "is this another one of those movies"? Stay with this because the movie then becomes remarkable, takes off and you have a front seat. As the story progresses, we are let-in on what is really going on and here is where the viewers emotions take over. We gasp, we wonder and we start to identify and follow the course of the movie with shock and twist thrown in. You may find it hard to keep quiet or not leap out of your seat. At another point we are introduced to a bad situation going to worse and from worse to below worse and beyond but we remain with mouth open and scratched heads. It is at this point that this movie qualifies for being one of the saddest and most tragic stories that can befall mankind but is not new until you visit with it or in the case watch a movie about it. I was stunned and deeply moved and the ending is perfectly delivered up to you to do with as you please. Long after it was over, I found myself reviewing this as did my co-watcher making us reflect and visit with the haunting effects of where the movie landed us. You will not be same. One thing stands out and that is how precious a normal childhood is and how the lack of one takes us down dark roads.
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