A near-futuristic tale told in the most appropriate native background
27 December 2019
Android Kunjappan sets a precedent that any story/tale can be effectively communicated if told with all the native ingredients in it.

The film attempts to introduce a near-future possibility i.e. a robot, into every household and how that would impact every Keralite in both good and bad ways. The focus is not on the impact, it's the bonding, yes it shows how humans especially old souls in helpless situations are so vulnerable to anything that obeys them, gives them due respect, listens to them patiently. This is the point where the film stands out as a clear winner.

The movie is based on two pivotal characters, an ailing old man and the other one is a programmed robot. As expected the second half portrays combat between human & robot, in a rather unique style within the native boundary and subtly concludes on who makes it to another side.

Suraj Venjaramoodu, the old man, yet again, delivers a spectacular performance. No doubt, he is getting into a top league of national talents when it comes to performing various roles with such ease and flexibility. I strongly feel, after Jagathy Sreekumar, we can rest assured for Suraj Venjaramoodu to carry this legacy, and this is strictly my opinion. Soubin Shahir, playing the son, does justice to his character, nothing extraordinary, this role is not meaty as the old man. The other ensemble cast especially the Arunachal girl Kendy Zirdo, who played the Chinese character so well. Off late, I'm seeing actors not from Kerala origin, playing their part aptly, not hampering/distracting the mood of the audience and kudos to the filmmakers for that.

Another thing that struck me is the retention of simplicity throughout the movie, rather the filmmaker attempting to flaunt his intelligence by imparting technical gyaan, Visual effects, glorifying the science. Nothing of all that, this film drives on emotions, and it works big time.

The film is not completely flawless, the second half goes haywire for a while, the character transformation of the son (played by Shoubin) in the second half looked forced, and the production design of the lab looked staged. These flaws stand nowhere when we experience the overall journey the film makes, its Supreme.

Android Kunjappan- a film to be experienced for the old man especially, Must watch!
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