Review of Arctic

Arctic (2018)
An interesting film, with a few elements lost in the ice
7 January 2020
Arctic is directed by Joe Penna, and stars Mads Mikkelsen as the main (and really only) character of the film. His character has been trapped in the Arctic for some time, surviving off fish, melted snow, and maintaining a giant SOS sign in the snow, waiting for rescue. Rescue comes early in the film, but high winds cause the rescue helicopter to crash, with all hand lost, except one woman, who is comatose. Mads' priority shifts from his own survival, to ensuring this woman is able to survive as well, and this causes him to leave his shelter and SOS in search of rescue across the Arctic. He must face the elements. wildlife, and treacherous terrain to try and make it out alive.

This film was interesting in many ways. The scenery is at times gorgeous in its bleakness, one of the real winners here. Mikkelsen's performance is quite good, and as the only character in the film (for the most part), he carries it with skill and tact. Some very interesting shots are present, with a polar bear attack (shown in some trailers) being particularly brilliant. These things come together to make a fairly adept film.

Even so, some detractions exist. The film is shot very flat, almost dull, and this detracts from the gorgeous scenery. This film could (or should) have had another character - the Arctic, in all its treacherous and dangerous glory. However, the dull shooting left this character lacking, and this was a real sore spot for me in this film. The script here seemed muted as well. Dangerous situations arise, but are overcome. Things happen, but I feel like the impact of these events are muted. They just didn't nail down the impact that events had, and sort of skipped from one thing to the next.

These issues persist, and detract from what could have been a fantastic film. Even so, this film possesses enough polish, quality and performance kudos to make it worthy of a watch, and I assume, enjoyable for most. I certainly thought it was quite adequate, and worthy of a viewing.
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