Sunshine (2007)
11 January 2020
...any other sci-fi movies brought to the screen. The only bad thing about Sunshine is that it was 10 years too early. The majority of the audience and critics did not get it back then and yes, it bombed at the box office. But we all know that might be in some sense actually a good thing. Quite a lot of outstanding and modern classic movies have not been that commercially successful either...anyway. Starting with the haunting score and of course esp. with adagio in D minor. What an achievement and what a disgrace not getting the recognition or award it deserved. The visuals and cinematography is absolutely breathtaking! Hardly seen anything like that before or after. The usage of light and shadow, the monochrome colors, How the camera captures rays of light, planets etc when the ship drifts in space ... stunning. Just stunning. Great cast and esp. Mr. Cillian Murphy as the lead character guiding us through the emptiness, the hope and Desaster. Coming to the much described and very polarizing ending. It's for sure not everyone's taste but I applaud the director for making such a strong and impactful finale. It leaves u with your emotions all alone & makes u think (as it does throughout the movie with the deep and almost philosophical monologues by Capa).
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