Charlize Theron's Master Criminal Cipher " 💎 Sparkles " . . . . . With { Panache 👌🔥 } .
16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A { - d.v.d - } review .

Cipher, played by Charlize Theron, to Dominic 'Dom' Toretto, played by Vin Diesel ) : " Well , guess what ? I'm that crocodile at the 'watering hole' , Dom " . Dom does not respond , but instead just listens , with that certain { - Very - } palpable sense .."of bearing a great perturbation and heaviness ".

Today it is Saturday ; January the 25th, 2020, and I'm sheerly " delighted " to be able to confirm to you that, As Of Today, " The F8 Of The Furious " is { Still } very much the Eighteenth biggest English film... { in the World ⭐❕} . . . . & very deservedly so. Now, for those of you that ( perhaps ) consider themslves too, I don't know, what's the word.. " Erudite " , perhaps ? ..to be { Seen } to be, say... 'Consciously' enjoying watching a full blown Russian Nuclear-armed submarine explode out of deadly, half frozen subterranean waters ; only to chase down six unequivocally exotic & " thoroughly out of place " Land vehicles over a magnanimous, sprawling field of rock-solid ice ....... I have but the following to say to you. It is indeed , { 💎 INCREDIBLY } helpful & important , to always bear in mind that franchises - Like - " The Fast & The Furious " . . . { No } differently from others like , say : 'John Wick' or 'The Expendables', ( or so many others, in fact ), are - First And Foremost - just " fantasies " . . . . . & nothing more.

Yes , no question... these wild & whacky narratives will generally ( always ) be set against a " Very believable sort of " ...{ Real World Backdrop }. But at the end of the day, utter and complete ..{ FANTASIES 🌠 }.. is what they will forever be . Let's . Be . Really . Clear . About. That . And once you watch such pictures with that ' Singular Truth ' Firmly planted in your mind, then the said film( s ) can & Will ..... in this digitally profound age of a kind of " Magical Mastery Of The Cinematic Arts " ( courtesy of the creative powers that be ) ..... continue to - generally - be a Wonder filled, Spirited, & yes indeed ..often... Prolific 💫 Experience. But only if you make the Conscious move to stop constantly 'Over-thinking', the poor movie in question, & allow it to . . . " Just Be Itself " . Ok, so having gotten that out of the way . . I'm just going to leave you with the two things I enjoyed - most - about the film, ( besides the " Glaringly " obvious, of course ).

1 Charlize Theron 💎 : Almost never before have i seen a ( Female ) lead Antagonist . . . Have so much { Outright , Damn Fun } with a role ; whilst - still - very successfully delivering a Performance that is just, well, so... completely " pitch perfect " . Watching her steal practically - every - single scene that she is in , is just . . " A Sheer Joy " . 2 The ...{ " Bald 😍 " }... And The Beautiful : This movie boasts a veritable ( Ensemble 🌠❗) cast , from the aforementioned Theron to - " Dame " - Helen Mirren , to Luke Evans , & ' All points in between ' . What's more : just pause for a moment to take a cool, & justifiably wide eyed look at F8's "Top Brass". It's practically an { Expendables Style ) "Who's who" of Action Films, ( and right now I'm referring - just - to the men ), namely Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson & Jason Statham ( not to mention that Profoundly comedic " class clown " , Tyrese Gibson ). There's { Even } ...a tiny little bald " Baby 🤣 Diesel " , for good measure. The Quirky And Cheeky interplay between all these madly talented Hollywood virtuosos is truly " Humongous " fun, to watch.

A Lavish , Explosive 12 Marks Out Of 10 { 💥❗} . The Two Extra Marks Are For 1 : The { - PHENOMENALLY - } , Stunningly , Hilarious ' Statham With Baby ' Scene. 2 : The Poignant, BeauHilariousHilarioustiful, Moving, & ( - Very - ) Timely , Indeed . . . " 🇺🇸 U. S. A 🤝 CUBA 🇺🇦 Message " .
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