As long as the game matters to the guys that are playing
24 January 2020
I could watch football movies on an endless loop. I love all sports movies really, but football movies seem to be able to hype me up more and get me more emotionally involved.

In the movie "The Best of Times" Jack (Robin Williams) was a man stuck in the past--1972 to be exact. That would be the year that Taft High School ended their game in a tie with Bakersfield because Jack dropped the game winning pass. He never got over it.

In order to reclaim past glory for himself and the town of Taft he set up a rematch between the two 1972 teams. This was going to be his chance to rewrite history for himself, the QB, Reno (Kurt Russell), and Taft.

Robin Williams is always funny. Even still, it was some slow going in the beginning. The movie picked up once the game was afoot (to use a Sherlock Holmes phrase). The comedy, the drama, and suspense was kicked up a notch once the game started.

One of the funniest exchanges was when Reno told Jack to look alive because he was being covered by Dr. Death (Vister Hayes).

Jack: "Dr. Death? I thought he was in jail."

Reno: "No. He's out on parole."

Jack: "Parole?"

It was hilarious and it gave you a true feel of what Taft was up against. In football movies the protagonists are always playing for something no matter how small or how big and it never really matters. All that matters is that the game matters to the guys playing it.
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