Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019 Video Game)
Good game with some annoyances
27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I waited for a sale to get this game and honestly I probably would have paid full price with what I got.

  • Stunning graphics with excellent environment and character details.
  • Difficulty. This game is fairly hard in some battles and requires you to take every enemy seriously. I played on the second easiest difficulty and I had a challenge.
  • Fighting animations. The fighting and movement sequences are fluid and smart. They don't look repetitive and the animations between blocks/attacks are smooth.
  • It's a normal game! A single player experience with no micro transactions. Takes me back to he early PC games where you get what you pay for and don't have to expect to spend extra dollars for little add ons.

  • Default keyboard layout. I know it recommends using a controller when you first start but they could have put some more effort into placing hotkeys in better locations. I had to spend some time fixing this as my hand was cramping from having to hit multiple keys at the same time but in really awkward locations.
  • Story is meh. It's a ok story line but it gets a tad boring. Go to this planet and find this thing. Go back to the other planet, fight all the same enemies and find another thing. It gave me some early day assassins creed repetition vibes.
  • Respawning enemies. I can understand why they did this but at certain times it's fairly annoying. Want to go back to an area to search for chests and secrets? Prepare to fight that medium boss again that took you 30 minutes to beat. Also be prepared to watch the same NPC fights over and over. Every time you go back the stormtroopers will be magically fighting the same enemies again. I wish after a run through they would leave certain areas with no enemies or just place generic stormtroopers where boss fights were. I find myself just trying to run by them so I don't have to do the whole fight again.
  • Bugs and missing animations. There seems to be a lot of points where they just didn't even bother with the animation. Opening a chest underwater? It gives you the impression that BD1 is jumping into it like normal but the animation isn't there. Also certain zip lines BD1 just stays on your back so you're floating down the zip line. Little things like that just take the experience away.
  • No side missions. Other than the chests and secrets it's pretty linear for a story. I wish there was some more side quest or missions that I could do to extend the gameplay a little further.

Overall: I recommend this game. It goes back to the roots of gaming. I actually hope they release some DLC as I would be willing to pay 20$ for an extra planet to explore or some added side missions.
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