The Bodyguard (1992)
Oh my goodness!
4 February 2020
There was a time when there were no internet for me, no video and no satellite. I was a 19 y.o. boy, young and full of emotions. A naive young fellow knowing nothing about life and its twists. One day, while waiting at a bus station, I overheard two friends talking about a movie called 'The Bodyguard' and that how good that was, how they enjoyed it and how Withney Houston shone in it. Years passed, I lived my life, but I always had memory of that conversation in the back of my mind as if waiting for the right moment and opportunity to grab and watch that film. And opportunity it came one day with its video from a friend. I put the cassette in the player and started watching the anticipated movie with unbelievable excitement and happiness.

And the movie rolled over me like an avalanche...

That was a rollercoaster of emotions, chemistry, love, acting, music and one of the best and unique voices of the 20th century that I experienced.

That was one of the most beautiful and heartwarming movies that I have ever had the pleasure to watch.

Kevin Costner and Withney Houston were just diamond-like in it and outshone themselves in every aspect.

Tears are appearing in the corners of my eyes as I am writing this review. This is a review full of memories of my youth as well as the rainbow of true emotions that were conveyed by the eternally alive comet called The Bodyguard.

Withney, I've always loved you. No other singer has ever been like you and never will be. You had one of the most beautiful, powerful and mind-blowing voice of all time. All you needed was a microphone and the audience was in awe. We will always love you and cherish your dear memory.

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