The Wizard (1989)
And The Gamer Is Born
17 February 2020
This movie was a trip down memory lane. I have the fondest memories of NIntendo and all those games: Zelda, Super Mario Bros., Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Megaman, Metroid, Double Dragon, and others. If I had known then what I know now I may have committed even more time to the videogame craft. Now guys are making millions of dollars playing videogames.

The Wizard in the movie was a nine-year-old boy named Jimmy (Luke Edwards) who earned the nickname by being great at videogames. He behaves like he may be autistic or at least on the spectrum. He comes off like an autistic savant when it comes to videogames.

Jimmy had an insatiable desire to go to California and no one knew why. After Jimmy got placed into a facility that cares for special children his brother Corey (Fred Savage) broke him out so the two of them could go to California. Along the way they run into a girl named Haley (Jenny Lewis) who helps them and convinces them to go to Universal Studios to compete in Video Armageddon, a nationwide videogame competition.

I loved this movie as a kid because who doesn't love videogames? Plus, at that time, Fred Savage was a star. He was in "Wonder Years," he had been in "The Princess Bride," "Vice Versa," and "Little Monsters." You couldn't go wrong casting Fred Savage. The movie wound up being about more than a mere videogame championship, it was a warm movie about family and friends.
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