6 Underground (2019)
Not bay's finest work
18 February 2020
First off, I am, generally speaking, a Michael Bay fan. I am not one of those people who leaves a Bay film complaining that there "wasn't a plot." Unlike those people, I know what type of movie I am in for: an action/comedy thin on plot and full of mindless explosions.

That being said, this just wasn't one of his best films. I felt like it was Michael Bay: Unhinged, as in, Netflix gave him 150 Million and were just like, "do whatever you want!", well, he decided to go even thinner on the plot and stuff even more explosions in. Now, this is what I was expecting in the movie, so I wasn't disappointed per se, but I do think it might have helped if a producer or a studio stepped into to at least slightly curb Bay going FULL Bay.

Reynolds was still good, the cast overall was good. I thought the parkour guy was about 10 years too late to have in a movie. I thought the graphic violence was unnecessary and added nothing to the movie, in fact I think it hurt the movie.

Overall, it's a decent popcorn flick that is worth watching as long as you know to expect.
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