Review of See

See (2019–2022)
[8.5] Think too much and you're out
11 March 2020
See is an interesting show with beautiful opening & soundtrack, premise, story, photography and battle sequences. Do not compare it with what your memory may deceptively offer you.

It's not reality, it's not even fictional reality, it has its own world, its own logic. You either like it, follow the storyline without too much thinking and rationalization or you don't. Many reviewers hint about the show's logic, fluidity of their movements, their cloths...

Forget about that, do not search for a hidden truthful logic or lack of it. It is the way it is after centuries of blindness; they have adapted quite well, have stronger olfactive and tactile senses, they do whatever they aim to do, each of them in his/her own level and they sense well presence of friends and foe, even in combat actions. You just get that from their behavior, you need to accept it the way it is or science-fiction shows are most surely not meant for you.

Having said that, I have to tell that the series is not impressive, it is just well-done. The cast does a good job, some more than the others (like Baba Voss,Queen Kane, Witchfinder Warrior...)

IMO, what the series suffers from is lack of depth. It needs a stronger material, deeper storyline or the same would be dragged to season 2.

That's why even though the cast does a good job, the actors and actresses don't shine and are not impressive in the general sense of acting. Among them, though, the Queen and Witchfinder deliver a much stronger performance because of the power-hungry craziness and unique acting of the former and the presence, well-chosen words and speaking of the latter.

Jason Momoa is impressive physically as well as in battles and a good actor too, IMO. His character brings honor to the show and that was a pleasure to watch. I never thought that I would be happy to see him in one specific scene, but it did and brought a smile to my face too. Good writing.

All in all, See is a good show; just not to everybody's taste and has room for improvement to make it unforgettable.
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