Could not be made today
12 March 2020
An ocean side fishing town is experiencing lower than normal numbers of fish in the waters. The fishermen are nervous and welcome the news of a cannery planning on opening. There is the one indigenous man that is the sole voice against the cannery. When the fishermen's guard dogs end up slaughtered, the whites think it is he that is responsible. They retaliate by killing his dog and fighting ensues. Soon however it becomes clear that there is something more nefarious at work, creatures that have mutated in the ocean are coming ashore at night and killing men and raping their women.

The is a Roger Corman movie, so everything is over the top, to say the least. There is a fair amount of nudity and it is of course exploitative. There is a fair amount of gore as well, as one would expect from any self-respecting 80's horror. This was, at the time of its release, a very good creature feature, but unfortunately the guy in a rubber suit trick does not hold up in a world where they can CGI anything one can imagine.

Why I say this could not be made today; First is the racial tone of the movie, where natives are still called Indians and treated like little more than second class citizens. Second is the exploitative nudity I mentioned before. Surely in this #metoo era this is a thing of the past.

Overall, if you can forgive the unspecial effects, this is a decent early 80's horror.
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