Review of Home

Home (2019–2020)
Not Funny, Irritating and Annoying
19 March 2020
This series is billed as a comedy/drama. I found scant comedy, maybe the occasional wry chuckle, instead I found it to be irritating, annoying and a sad comment on the current state of the UK.

The occasional laugh does not a comedy make, even dramas have the odd moment of hilarity.

The characters:

Katy - a divorcee - irritating with her arrogant, entitled, my way or the highway attitude. No wonder she is divorced. Is this what passes for a strong independent woman? John (her son) - irritating little so and so John (the live-in partner) - basically a simp and the butt of everything, constantly nagged by Katy and John; constantly reminded that it is not his house (did it come from the ex-husband). One feels for this bloke. Is this how men are portrayed on TV these days? Sami - the only "normal" non-irritating character.

If you looked upon the series as satire or social commentary, you would probably do OK.
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