Review of The Platform

The Platform (2019)
Original, Outrageous, Ominous, Outstanding
21 March 2020
9/10 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 I don't often see movie trailers with English subtitles that peak my interest so much I anticipate it's release for over 8 months. Since so many films have been let downs through out the years it's really great when a film isn't just what you expect but over delivers on so many levels. "The Platform" fits that description to a T. From the start the mystery and intrigue of this detention center is magnified by not only the prisoners but the administration that caters to them. Some disturbing movies aren't so much driven by an original idea layered with intelligence and thought provoking content, Most rely heavy on shock value and cynicism. That is not the case with "The Platform" it contains all of those attributes and delivers them brilliantly at a pace that keeps you glued to the screen from the opening until the closing credits. This film definitely has my nomination for indie foreign film of the year. I enjoyed "Parasite" but this film gets the winning edge from me in 2020.
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