If you're looking for something new, skip this.
28 March 2020
If you're a fan or gore and cheesy horror comedies you might like this. Maybe a couple things they said made me chuckle but the majority of the dialogue was nothing short of irritating and cringe-worthy. It was predictable. It had a dull plot. It's hard to find anyone to really root for as no one but the antagonists are at all likeable or have anything close to a personality as those are replaced by stupid quirks. But the action and gore is still fun, even when it looks terribly fake, hence why I gave it no less than 3 stars. However not fun enough to want to see a second time. I've got MUCH better horror movies lying around I could re-watch instead.

Bottom line: It's a fun gorefest to kill some time (no pun intended), but it's nothing we haven't seen before.
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