Castle in the ground - A must see
9 April 2020
I enjoyed this. showcased a small town canadian experience and the reality of the opioid crisis here. all the acting was great, no one fell short. Keir plays a character you don't expect, but once you get to know him a little more it all makes perfect sense.

i love the way this was shot. beautiful visually and fully captures the emotion in every scene. the cinematographer is truly brilliant.

writer/director said he was inspired by James White, so that should show anyone how much i enjoyed this movie. since James White is one of my absolute favourites of all time.

i have a few little slight critiques (not even really critiques but just things i didn't like lol) but there's so much going on in every scene and so many emotions present that sometimes it all felt too rushed? like i didn't have time to sit in what i was feeling? and maybe that's the intention, just not my vibe. i like movies with room to breathe more. but that ending, oooof. now that gives so much room.

Review by oliveigha

tiff day one
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