Review of Black Garden

Black Garden (2019)
A full length indie feature that would of been better suited to be a short
13 April 2020
4.5/10 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌌 This B&W independent film has a few key moments but they appear very lackluster due to the absence of any visual special effects and I mean any. No gun shots with exploding dye packs, No computer generated nuclear explosions, No car crashes or heavily choreographed fight scenes, They don't even go as far as someone being physically hit at all. They cut camera or it pans out to something far less interesting and once the altercations complete we get a gander of the aftermath. Outside of a muffled radio correspondence which makes no sense because it's being carried out by using a gigantic oldschool radio that's doubling as a walkie talkie. There's also a few scenes with billowing clouds of smoke in the background but that pretty much sums up the post production Sfx. My schedule was clear so I had an hour and half to burn but otherwise I wouldn't of made it through the entirety of this film. The acting is OK and the storyline of an apocalyptic era has been overly saturated to put it nicely but this scenario is still very interesting and appealing to our imagination when pondering on what if's. Ultimately I wouldn't recommend this feature but their still may be a small fraction of indie movie lovers who would enjoy "Black Garden"
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