100% Surface Level
22 April 2020
THIS SHOW SUCKS. The animation is great, the worlds they go to for the most part seem interesting, but you find out very quick that you won't get the opportunity to explore any of it because two people you don't care about from real life are just going to talk over it the whole time. It honestly feels very lazy, as instead of actually creating characters or an actual story, you have completely unrelated audio on top of completely detached animation. It makes the show incredibly hard to follow because the talking is NONSTOP. Its so annoying. Its very easy to get taken out of the show too when these animated characters just start talking about jesus or the bible, when they're supposed to be robot fish people living in a world where jesus shouldn't even be a thing. OR when the podcast guests just say things like "hey I've known you for so long so I can tell you this" when in the show these "characters" literally just met. You can tell theres no care whatsoever into making the show cohesive in any way, obviously because its easier just to have random people talk for an hour and use that for audio rather than writing engaging characters with a plot and story. This show could MAYBE work, if the people in the podcast tried at all to act like a character in the show. I actually love the idea of a podcast between an interdimensional wizard and a deer about to be slaughtered, if those are the characters I'm listening to. But it never is, because having a podcast between fictional characters would require being clever. Which this show is completely void of in every way.
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