its the milestone for every upcoming director....
16 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To make a film about the drug abuse in america. this film comes in the line of many others issued lately, with the only difference that youll leave the caracters on the initial stage.

its about a young man who cares for his fatally ill mother, hes handling mostly anything for her and has left school for the chore of just being there. he administrates her medicine( in a very dangerous way) which consists of oxycodone tablets 80 mg and fentanyl patches,and picks up new deliveries at the apotheque. when all of a sudden the mum dies, sorrow and pain comes and the search for relief starts. he tries some solutions but soon he turns his attention to his deceased mums medicinal depot. its crazy to say , but i guess 30% of all addiction cases starts this way, and remember that the products used in this flick are actually lethal poison, so if youre teased to try do not!!!

if you are using this film as an instructual flick be aware of many dangerous spots here. if you use it as prescribed by a doctor, you should know to never crush oxycodone tablets and mix with strawberry jam. it may paralyse your tongue and throat and the high of 80 mg hits you like a bolt and lasts for just an hour, if swallowed in one piece the effect last for 12 hours because its a depot medication. so if swallowings the problem there are mixture. if you re going to abuse your mums or friends pills for recreation purposes, never chew or snort it,80 mg may kill in an instant if your young and novise, and if you find a used patch of fentanyl, for gods sake do not lick or swallow it. its 1000 times stronger than a morfin shot so let it be.so the moral of what ive written is not even consider to try.if prescribed, have a good treatment plan with your doctor and do reduce to a lower level of painkillers when the need fades.seek help from proffesionals if your depressed like the instance didnt in this film.

its a gros film to watch, it should be seen in the darkness of night , because the filmography are very dark , bluish and grey, its like playing with silhuettes, and its overly use of a blurry camerafocus makes it all so sad and agonising.

the acting are at an average, its believe it or not made with a small cast, the score is not good but used cleverly to give a sting of bad aftertaste. so the grumpy old mans advice is, seek help before you get into the initial phase, and if your medicated with this drugs, use them cautiously and safely stored, also used patches, its easy to return to your chemist for destruction.

the film is a recommend
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