Relax and listen without judging
20 May 2020
As others pointed out there are many 1,2 star reviews and I don't want others to think the show is bad. I think it's excellent, the conversations aren't scripted (since it's a podcast) so in a way, the conversations are much more real than the ones in any other show where the characters have dialog sheets that they have to follow.

I also think the animation style makes it worth watching each episode twice: once paying attention to the dialog, second time to the animation.

One of the ideas of mindfulness is not judging, to simply observe our thoughts and I think this show simply presents ideas. It doesn't judge, it's not saying "you should think this because X". It is simply presenting view points which I think is helpful to help anybody that wonders things like "what's the purpose of life?", "what's the deal with people talking about presence and meditation, is it all just false?", "what is enlightenment?", "why do people talk about a separation between the thinking mind and the conscious, observing self?", "why do I FEEL like I'm suffering?" etc. As such, the show simply presents ideas. It is up to everybody to decide which ideas (if any!) they accept. I don't think that makes the show bad, right?

Finally, I wonder if any of the bad reviewers have bothered to watch the full show, including the last episode. I think the last episode is an example of a level of truthfulness I don't think I've seen on any other series/film and tbh I ended up crying. I don't think one gets that from a 1-3 star show.
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