Blame game
9 June 2020
Now I want to believe that the intentions behind the making of this (and I had no nerve to watch any extras on the disc I own) were "pure" or rather a matter of showing society what can become or the depths of human psyche. Having said all that and while this is old and some effects may not have aged as well, this still is quite brutal to watch.

I did watch the extended uncut version and it really isn't something I want to watch ever again. Haneke made it very clear with Funny Games what he meant to tell us - and I hated it! I suppose that was the reaction he hoped to see from viewers or rather any reaction at all. He made it clear what he was telling us. And I do not relish or enjoy torture, even when in the confounds and under the "disguise" of being a movie. I'm not judging anyone else, especially those who make the distinction between reality and entertainment. This movie however seems to relish too much on the violence ... and while there is occasional humor, it may not be enough to counter impact the madness.

All that will depend on your own threshold and what you are willing to endure. So nudity, blood and gore are on the menu here - fake but real ... but ultimately fake. So as I said, maybe the movie after all is trying to tell us something. But it dwells too long on the bad - you can't persecute "Serbian Film" and like this. Especially because the Serbian Film, actually is obvious in its message, even if at least as explicit as this one is ...
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