Oops! Somebody grabbed my gun again
11 June 2020
How many times would you find it credible that angry, determined people--particularly trained police officers--would lose control of their guns simply because somebody reached over and grabbed it from them? Well, you're about to find out, if you watch this stupid thriller in which that is the single most unintentionally funny element. It's a suspense-free serial killer drama with the entire focus on Shawn Ashmore's cop, whose wife is a victim at the begnning.

Every step of his revenge is as predictable as it is hackneyed, made worse by the fact that Ashmore just doesn't have the gravitas for this kind of part. Other performances are adequate (Gary Cole is effective enough as the main villain), but the writing is witless and the direction takes it all waaaaay too seriously. It's not a good movie, and despite what some others have said, I didn't find it "so bad it's good"--though yes, those "dang the bad guy got my gun again" moments did make me laugh out loud. But the rest is just mediocre genre trash, without any eccentric ideas or style to make it interesting.
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