Ignore bad reviews...
21 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Horror\thriller fans are a strange bunch. They complain endlessly that the genre is stale and offers nothing but retreads of trope filled cliche ridden films; or remakes of prior successful films that usually ought to be left alone. Then when something new comes along... they hate it!

As Shakespeare said centuries ago, "There is nothing new under the sun", so it is with "You Should Have left". What is new here is the approach. You do not really get the full gist of what is going on till nearly the end; yet throughout there is a cloud if ill ease that hovers over the characters and their dwelling. Something is "up" but what it is (a haunting, a possession) is a mystery.

Excellent performances from Amanda, Kevin, and young Avery keep us caring about the characters (esp little Avery who often seems to be on the verge of tears) while director David paces the film with a firm grip and fills the screen with the aforementioned dread.

Yet critics pro and armchair have taken a dislike to the film. Say it's boring. Say it's without scares or thrills. Well I say then stick to the stuff you usually complain about - cliche characters in a film filled with jump scares and buckets of Max Factor blood.

"You Should Have Left" is a gem.
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