True Lies (1994)
A mixture of action and comedy at its best!
4 July 2020
Joining Terminator 2: Judgement Day as one of the best action movies of all time! Terminator 2 is my favourite action movie of all time followed by Aliens, but this has to be extremely close! This is not only one of the best Cameron movies, but also one of the most fun movies I have seen in my entire life. The action is absolutely breathtaking! The script is absolutely hilarious! It's got all of your favourite Arnold Schwarzenegger dialogue that James Cameron seems to be extremely good at. The one-liners are perfect, the performance by Jamie Lee Curtis is great and she makes it even better.

This is one of the most re-watchable movies I have seen in my entire life. One thing that James Cameron is extremely good at is character-driven movies, you get the character's background story, their personal life and another thing he is good at is extremely kick-ass female leads! He did it with the Terminator films, Aliens, Titanic, Avatar and he does it once again with this. It's one of the greatest female performances of all time along with Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2, Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver & Silence of the Lambs, Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club and many more!

I won't get into the story & plot because I feel that this is one of Cameron's movies less people have viewed because they are focusing on the bigger Cameron movies and I believe that's a mistake because this is one of the greatest films of the 90's!

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