Review of Stateless

Stateless (2020)
It's a struggle
22 July 2020
I'll carry on watching even though it's not a stellar show.

So many of these refugee movies / series have me angry at a world where murderous leaders and their willing followers just use the cruellest methods to get rid of their opposition. To get rid of people with a different faith or to get rid of people who are a different color . They shoot them in the head, they decapitate them, mow them down with machine guns ... men women and children ... and then go smoke their pipes of peace as if they'd just washed their car.

I also get angry because the burden is, without exception, placed on the Western world (and this includes Australia) to take the refugees in and take on the responsibility for feeding , clothing and housing them.

You never hear of them fleeing to Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan, ..... majority Muslim countries. You never hear of them lining up to get into Indonesia or China or Japan and especially not Russia.......... and these are very wealthy countries!

Strangely they all want to get to countries that have a generous welfare system and even more strangely they want the accommodating countries to change their laws to favour their old belief systems. Tell me what's wrong with this picture?

In a world where we have an organisation known as "The United Nations", where do we see any effective plan or lobbying to create a safe place for these dislocated individuals and families?

Truth is that the United Nations was born dead by design and is absolutely useless.

There's vast, virtually unoccupied islands and lands where new countries could be created but no... they have to be plugged into the Western social security system.

If they took the money they spend on all of this integration, border patrols, ESL, cultural awareness, weaponry and war and set it aside for the formation of a new Eden, there'd be more than enough to create a self sufficient society. But ... that ain't gonna happen and we just have to accept that state murder is a condition of mankind.

And so we turn to the series.

You have to feel sorry for the recipient countries because they have to show compassion. They don't know from one day to the next what sort of refugee they are dealing with and the entire world is waiting for them to do something that infuriates the wokes of this world (as an aside, maybe we can recruit the wokes to set up the new country and see how long their principles hold up)

The acting is very much OZ , real, blunt and uncompromising.... but the series itself does show that their legal systems are pretty good and that their commitment to their international obligations is pretty strong, despite the onerous costs of dealing with floods of people from any trouble spot.

Not really sure whether the Sophie ( Yvonne Strahovski) sub-plot does anything for the story, but as I said, I'll keep watching it just to see what develops. She sure hasn't done anything but mess it up so far and is an annoying character.

As with most of these political type dramas, there is always subtle messaging; the dominant female bosses, the inadequate male underlings and the stereotypical refugees. How come most of the ones who have made it to Vancouver are rich and plonk down cash for million dollar homes? Beats me

After mulling it over I've increased the rating from a 5 to a 6 because of its Ozziness.
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