Review of Newness

Newness (2017)
I created an account here just so I could say 6.4 is not fair to this film
1 August 2020
This film isn't for everybody. If you are a millennial, or maybe older but open minded, or if you are just empathic enough, you will understand the feelings this film aims to pass. It's not about the characters promiscuity or dating apps relationships, it's about doubt and excitement and fear of loosing freedom, and that moment when you meet someone new and you are talking, flirting, it's very exciting, you are having a really good time and THEN if you decide to take one step forward, you have to face the baggage that person carries. Past, exes, fears, traumas.

That's something the older generations don't get, because back in time people used to date less and get married sooner. But for millennials, that's very relatable. People have dated other people, some times many other people. People have had sex with other people too. People have met other people's families - I could go on but you all already got it - and we have to deal with it. So that's why not everybody will understand.

I'm young and getting married soon. The story made me think a lot. I'm very sure of my decision on spending the rest of my life with my partner. Even knowing it's going to get boring eventually. Then we will figure it out. I'd never do what the characters do because I have different principles, but I totally understand their feelings.

Now, going back to the film. The actors were convincing. The way it was filmed was also particular. The camera wasn't steady, maybe purposefully to make it look like the videos we're used to see in social medias. Again, very close to younger generations. And about the end, I saw some people saying they don't like it, but this movie isn't about the end, it's about what they went through to get there. I wouldn't change a thing.

In my opinion, 6.4 doesn't do justice to this film, but, again, I can imagine people with different visions about life and relationships watching it and not getting it.
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