5 year-old Ted Bundys coming your way...
1 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Story 1: Fans of M Night Shymyfick should love this because it's dull and has a dumb plot-twist. In fact, any fans of dull and dumb horror containing a major plot-twist should love this nonsense. Suffice it to say that there are no ghosts and the couple are serial-killers who lure ghost-hunting teams so they can kill them. Yes, and their 10 year-old daughter is eager to kill too! Sounds dumb? You bet. 1/10

Story 2: "I am not some flesh-eating ghoul from your pathetic realm", says the ghoul very proudly, with obvious bumhurt. The film-makers were so proud of this scene they repeated it at the end of the episode. Do they actually think the scene will become legendary? Sure, it's not a bad scene, it's shot well, but is that scary? Not really. Mostly because ghouls who boast seem less scary. Boasting is a sign of weakness and who needs weak ghouls? This story is shown in segments unlike the others. Based on the same sci-fi premise as an episode of 60s Star Trek called "Wink Of An Eye". It's one of Star Trek's best despite the usual cheese factor. Could they do it better 50 years later? No, this version of the premise is too underdeveloped. 5/10

Story 3: After the Skype conversation, we have a scene with two lipstick lesbians that literally looks and sounds as if it's a cheaporno. The dialog sounds like Tommy Wiseau - when he isn't even trying. And then - wouldn't you know it - turns out that the lesbians do webcam porn! Thanks, movie, your found-in-sewage crapiness level has just been lowered even further. Dumber yet, the brunette actually convinces a neckbeard to cut his own throat. Despite the fact that he heavily hesitated when he had to "just" cut his hand a few minutes earlier. It is a remarkably dumb scene. 3/10

Story 4: An anorexic actress gets raped then suddenly acquires supernatural powers as a result. Demons or aliens anal-probe her skinny bum. She fights back. In a vague sort of way. Meanwhile, Ryan her love-interest seems pretty blase about all the supernatural hoopla. He doesn't even seem that excited when she offers sex to him. She talks too much. It'd be much better if this cheapo budget film showed us half the things she talked about rather than merely talk about them. The end-twist is pointless and unexplained. 5/10
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