The Voices (I) (2020)
You Are Not Taking Her From Me!!!!!
23 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We begin here with a woman driving her car and suddenly Lin Shaye appears on her windshield to give her a prophetic warning!!! The woman gets out of her car and gives Lin some food, and in return Lin gives her a necklace with a cross on it. Good trade??

Okay that's just WEIRD for one thing.

The woman arrives at her destination and is met by another woman. They hug. Apparently they are sisters. Sisters who have both been severely dissed by the men in their lives. But one of them is really having some sexy dreams!!! And she wakes up shivering and scared for some reason. And goes to look in the closet. Then she goes and looks around the house and hears voices coming from downstairs. Oh my her sister is down there and spazzes out and tells her vehemently to go back to bed!!! What is older sister up to????

Younger sister makes video log of herself. Grace Crawford is her name. The older sister...she says... moved there to the cabin in the WOODs 6 years ago shortly after her divorce. She has no phone??? Grace says her sister displays symptoms of.....well she didn't finish she shut the video off!!!

She calls her sister Kat, I assume short for Katherine. Katherine seems very distraught that she hasn't seen her daughter in a while. I guess the daughter stayed with the Dad after the divorce. Grace and Kat sit and talk for a while about their past with their own Mom And Dad.

GRace goes snooping around and finds a medicine cabinet and goes thru Kat's pills. Kat comes in there and notices that the pills have been disturbed and goes crazy talking like a little kid.

Grace goes back to video log and says her own mother was a schizophrenic. She says she found scripted anti psychotics in her sisters medicine cabinet!! Ruh Roh!!!

So Kat comes to Grace with a Ouija Board and starts telling Grace about what happened to Mom. That she was hearing Voices and Seeing Visions. Kat says being alone helps her deal wiht her own paranoid schizophrenia.

Grace goes and plays Ouija by herself. Everyone knows you aren't supposed to do that.

-1 Star for playing Ouija alone.

Grace got news she didn't want to hear from the Ouija board but then she goes to sleep and has her sexy dreams again this time the dream she finds David with another woman. A guy who cheated on her i guess?? Anyways, sisters again have discussions. Grace has some weird dreams / visions again and guess who is there? Lin Shaye!!!! Lin tells Grace to put on the Full Armor of God!!! the cross on the necklace she gave her!!!

Weird dreams.

Sisters go out shooting . Every day is so weird. Kat always tells Grace what she has to do at the end of the day And every day she already has something made for dinner that Grace just has to put in the oven. On shooting day tho Grace is distracted and dinner gets burned. So here they are, eating.

Grace just starts having a lot of weird dreams. For the most part they seem annoying. But when she goes out there and breaks up Kat's routine, does the wood chopping! OMG NO!!! Kat starts freaking out yelling at Grace to GET OUT!!!

So wait, apparently Kat's daughter was being held there secretly. Grace finds her and they try to escape. David, is shot, why is he even there??? on the other side of the bridge. LOL KAT's kept Abby there and Grace tries to rescue them and wow, what an ending!!!!!

+1 Star for the ending I did not see that coming!!!

But still, mediocre movie really. Kinda boring but the ending was...unexpected. 5/10
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