TURN: Washington's Spies (2014–2017)
2020 is the perfect time to watch this series!
20 September 2020
It's a crazy world out there in 2020 currently, and discovering this series comes at the perfect time. With all the craziness during this election; the fires in the west, the polarization of our government; the lies, the pandemic; all of it; this series couldn't have come at a better time. I only just learned of it. And it does my heart good to see how our country was formed! Each night as I watch this series, I find the hope and passion that I once had for this country, that, at least, for awhile, I lost. It's an incredible lesson for today in that we watch our country be earned. I've heard our country be called, "The Great American Experiment" as if to insinuate that, as all experiments, ours could fail. And nowadays it seems to be failing. But watching this series I am reminded of the tremendous passion and true grit it took to form our nation. And yes, it could still fail. But this series is reminding me that Americans have true grit and are made of stuff that is resilient. Watching what our ancestors endured back in the 1700s has made me, once again, believe in who we are. This country was forged by people who wanted true freedom and the right to choose their own destiny. We still want that! We are Americans, and we will get through this time as well.
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