Review of Prison

Prison (1987)
Underrated low budget gem for horror genre fans.
12 October 2020
I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs. Revisited it recently. Ok, there r problems with the screenplay n direction. The ghost unnecessary kills innocent fellas just for the the sake of the runtime, the ending is kinda rushed with no proper explanation about the resemblance between the ghost n Mortensen, what exactly happened 30 years prior is not explained well, why the ghost spared the old convict who too was involved is beyond me, ther r too many cliches n the worst is why kill the innocents when the ghost cud have easily killed off the main perpetrator but then fellas will complain how will they make a feature film. But i am angry man, why they had to kill Stallone's fan n Tiny?

On the plus side, the film has lots of recognizable faces, good director, nice settings of a prison n that too a real one which adds to the atmosphere, gory deaths, the one involving the barbwire will remind Evil Dead.

The plot - A convict is executed via electric chair for a murder he did not commit n later the prison is closed. The dead convict's soul returns from the afterlife to take revenge but goes on a killing spree when the prison is reopened after thirty years.
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