I was excite, but now I am dissapoint
23 October 2020
Who doesn't love Borat Sagdiyev; the clueless foreign reporter from Kazakhstan? definitely not me. I love Borat. I also am a BIG fan of Sacha Baron-Cohen, he is a wonderfully nice person and witty, not to say genius, comedian. This is why it is heart-breaking for me to tell you the stone cold truth: this Subsequent moviefilm is one of his worst works, it's even worse than The Dictator that held that title up to this point.

Now, if you are a fan of Borat, like me, and you have Amazon streaming, there is nothing in the world that will stop you from watching this (especially it being free) so I think it will get the views, there is not need for all these fanbois 10/10 reviews on this site. This is not a spoiler review, however if you have seen the trailer you have seen everything that this movie has to offer (in fact the trailer have some shots that are not even in the movie itself!) there is no 'uncovering of Americas underbelly' and the worse thing, it's not even funny. Crazy to notice there are 10 names listed as writers list for this thing on top of Cohen himself. Really? maybe just let the comedian do his job? maybe?

For some reason, the combination of 'candid camera' action and bad scripted non-candid camera just doesn't work this time. It comes out as a cringe-worthy 90 minutes of overly-gross juvenile humor. Where are all the edgy scenes that we are used to seeing from Baron-Cohen? Just watch Who Is America for some good edgy Baron-Cohen humor. Even better, watch some of the serious work Cohen does in "The Spy" or "The Chicago 7" those are masterpieces who deserve the 8+ ratings they get. This one? neh-eh.

Overall, this should be on the bottom of the things you should see from Baron-Cohen if you watched everything else already- sure sit down and watch a mediocre 90 minutes that can be covered in 2 minutes of a trailer. Exact score: 45 / 100
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