Review of RKO 281

RKO 281 (1999 TV Movie)
Citizen Where/How
28 October 2020
Another reviewer already stated it very nicely. To enjoy this, you have to detach from thinking this is close to the truth. This is a dramatization and it is meant to tickle you, to tell a story. Sort of something Orson Welles liked to do. It is still based on certain things that happened while he tried making this major movie - for some even the best movie ever made. Whatever you think of Citizen Kane, you can't deny it's technical progress and thinking - how Welles used so many things to make a drama that touches on so many things.

Liev Schreiber is doing a fine job overall, though some might feel he could have been ... I guess crazier in his depiction. But we are supposed to root for our main character, so there goes that. Overall the acting is more than decent - especially for TV movies of that era. So if you are looking for light entertainment and are not up for the "real" documentary (which is Battle for Citizen Kane, which was an episode of a show), this will be more than fine enough a watch. If you are already aware of certain things it might help enjoy the movie - but as I initially said, you may also be annoyed by what the movie chooeses to show. Drama will be drama .. you need a bit of suspense sometimes
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