Hatred (2016)
What My Grandparents Called "ShOWl K'Fee"
5 November 2020
...or perhaps better spelled Szal Krwi. Quite literally, blood frenzy. I don't think this movie is horrifying to the extent that it becomes gratuitous. There's a REASON war survivors and Veterans literally can NOT talk about what they've seen. Acts of war--particularly among neighbors--are typically the worst. That is a long time brooding personal slights; ever hear the phrase Familiarity Breeds Contempt...? For the religious folks: Do you think it's an accident that neighbors actually made it into the Ten Commandments...? I always found that hilarious, because in my lifetime of merely half a century, neighbors have ALWAYS been the bane of my existence. Since childhood, really.

SO. Now I know what they were talking about, my grandparents. Once that piranha type blood frenzy starts...it gets brutal. I don't think this movie has ANY over the top gore, because that is the very NATURE of war.

In fact, I wish the movie was seen more in the USA because if there is a Civil War again on USA soil: THAT is what it's going to look like, esp if they take your guns away. First thing the Germans asked, "Where are your guns?" Before promptly putting them on a train to concentration camps. Or just delivery of corpses, which is cheaper for them in the long run.

This movie shows you that this isn't about the blues, the reds, the yellows, the greens: This is PEOPLE ON PEOPLE crimes that are mind boggling. What we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat.

This movie also broke me...another Moral of the Story is DO NOT LOOK IN THE BUCKETS. I had paused the second bucket scene because I could not make out what it was. WHAT A MISTAKE THAT WAS.

Humor at about 1:07, where she shouts and the baby jumps. I did get a giggle out of that.

Again, I cannot stress enough how difficult this movie can be to watch, and if we do not pay attention to what is happening around us (anywhere: Because if you think this was the first time civilian war has happened, or you think this was the last time it could happen: You are deluding yourself)...WE ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT.

10/10 for content, acting, pace, FX, even the captions are amazing, because you're listening to four or five different languages throughout.
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