Review of Industry

Industry (2020– )
50 Shades of Industry
12 December 2020
As others have mentioned here, Industry seems to be rife with sex - so much so that you wonder how anyone manages to show up and actually accomplish any of the work they have been hired to do.

In just the first two episodes, we have seen Skype sex, Male homosexual sex, Female homosexual sex, Sex standing up, Sex in bed, Masturbation and (somehow) Lack of Interest in sex. Add this to the sometimes dense script sprinkled with financial shorthand and it might be inferred that the Industry depicted here is not the world of finance, but the realm of pornography.

Don't get me wrong, I like eroticism as much as the next person, and these buff young bodies are interesting and pleasurable to look at. But this isn't the insight into the "Young bankers and traders make their way in the financial world in the aftermath of the 2008 collapse" that I was expecting.

In this purported atmosphere of pressure and high expectations, I keep wondering how they have the energy and stamina to show up for work after all of the drinking, dancing and screwing that fills their "off" hours. Granted, I have never worked in the financial world, but is this realistic?

In a more mundane note, I am sometimes confused by the rapid shifts between situations, like the dinner at Yasmin's house. Who are these people, and what is their significance? Why is her mother so intolerant? What is her brother's business that he discusses at the table? And are these issues that I need to take note of because they might turn up in later episodes? In a cast that is already large, do I really need even more characters to keep track of?

In summary, I'm not really captivated by this show. Many people say that it becomes worthwhile if you can hang on to Episode 8, but I'm not convinced that this trip would be worth the sacrifice of my time and attention.
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