Critical Role (2015– )
Story theatre. Scorn for the true game of D&D.
8 January 2021
Don't be fooled. This isn't a genuine Dungeons and Dragons game. Instead, it is a predetermined outcome where the characters (PCs) have all the plot armor their players desire. They will reach any goals and exist (in some form) forever. That is, unless an actor leaves the show never to return. Then their character's death will be contrived too, just like any series. Every battle is designed to be a win or a loss for story purposes. Not only do the players have this free ride to give their characters the arc points they have planned, but every action is devoid of serious consequences. The 'DM' retro-actively makes deeds heroic no matter how evil, and trivial no matter how stupid or damaging they should be. It resembles a toddler's game more than the D&D game where disaster can be at every bad move.

Game pillars such as alignment (Good/Evil & Chaos/Law) are belittled. Something intended (for 40+ yrs of D&D) to be instinctively hateful or fearful of the party will automatically adore them if that is what a player wants. Role-playing/maintaining a consistent mindset, is instead random behavior. It may shift to whichever direction the actor has planned for that day. Serious, inner-party conflicts that should be character ending may have vanished by next show. This is seemingly to not upset fans or that certain performer (who breaks rules and etiquette regularly) that orchestrated things like hiding items, concealing life threatening information, and even trying to harm other party members, in the first place.

They say they are playing D&D, all the while ignoring its main principles. It's not a peek at "friends playing D&D". Far from it. It's voice actors improvising a play for very different motives.
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