Sweet Sixteen (I) (2002)
Excessive and Saddening
20 January 2021
I saw no ray of hope in this film at all. It was a journey down a tunnel with no exit. I admire Ken Loach, and his intentions are good, but there is a determimistic aesthetic about his work that reminds me of Emile Zola. This film begins in the gutter of life and after many scenes of ' inevitable ' misery literally ends up on a desolate beach. Is his analysis of people caught in social traps excessive ? The young lead whp played Liam was good, and so was the rest of the cast. but the endless drugs, the pitiful beatings and especially the actor playing Liam's friend attacking his own face in an act of self-laceration was terrible to watch. Melodrama seemed always on the fringe of events, and the pile up of the odds against Liam are so overwhelming ( a mother in prison, a nasty family ) weighs too heavily upon the film, and for me stacked the odds of Liam's escape from it inevitably futile. As a cinematic experience the film is well made and visually there seemed a glamour to sad events that mitigated against the content of the film; the use of right colour tones and faultless camera work. I would have preferred it in black and white, and starker images for this scenario of crime and unfair punishment to look real. In colour the blood is an Edvard Munch ' Scream ' and the characters too good looking, and in such a deprived world why do they all have such perfect teeth ? Not a small point that as it adds to the ( to me ) glamour of drugs and violence. I was not concerned with the boring swearing, but I was concerned that most of the dialogue was incomprehensible. I would run a mile for a new Dardenne brothers film, but am reluctant to go as far for Ken Loach. Their worlds are not that far apart, but there is real tragedy and hope in the Dardennes films whereas in Loach's films plot rules over complex character. A reluctant 7 as I realise Ken Loach is a good director, but perhaps not on my wavelength. I saw it on a television channel without subtitles. A bad start for understanding.
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