Miss Sloane (2016)
I'm an actual liberal and I found it mind meltingly bad.
23 January 2021
Some claim that this movie is propaganda and it is but it is *much* worse than that because it is bad propaganda which is the kind that converts no one.

If anyone thought that The West Wing was a liberal smugfest then you wouldn't want to see this. Alternatively if you really enjoyed The West Wing then this movie is probably for you but here are my criticisms of it.

Jessica Chastain's character is supposed to be good at her job yet in every single scene and every line of dialogue she comes across as a student union yahoo. It isn't just the hard right who have their collection of braying idiots and here is a prime example.

This whole movie is like watching an alternative version of reality where a person isn't immediately fired for insulting a client and I don't just mean doing so in a Don Draper sort of way but by literally laughing in their faces and then offering to work with them. I mean, really?

The story line is silly, the cast are all idiots and nothing is believable.

This movie is smug, pretentious and utterly unbelievable on every level.
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