Campy, light, gore, entertaining. Feels like a cult classic.
25 January 2021
The movie trailer gives you a good idea about what kind of movie this is. If it pulls you in (like it did me), you'll definitely enjoy it. For those on the fence, it'll help set expectations.

I thought the girl, who seemed a little "off" at the start, made perfect sense once she encountered Psycho Goreman (PG). It would take a personality like hers to deal with PG and remain unphased. It was this relationship that really made the movie work from a light comedic standpoint.

The plot itself is fairly straightforward, as are most of the characters. The kids were terrific, the parents worked really well as a team. I especially found the husband's comedic pacing to be genius. Plenty of gore too, which the team managed to pull off very well (still... this is not a kid's movie).

The trailer convinced me to try it and the actual movie did not disappoint: 7
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