Apostasy (2017)
Great message + brave filmmaking, but somewhat lacking as a story
31 January 2021
Didn't expect this to be fun, but it did turn out to be even bleaker than anticipated.

I can say this about it: what it's trying to do is incredibly admirable. Shedding light on the Jehovah's Witnesses and the awful damage they can do to people is important.

And it's probably something few people still know about. Chris Stuckmann's recent video was genuinely eye-opening, as was this film, which he mentioned in said video. The second highest rated review here (already) is one that also mentions Stuckmann's video. Clearly we still have a lot of learning to do as the human race, because these recent revelations have been truly surprising for many- count me among them.

Adding to its message and depiction of the life within this cult (yeah, it seems more of a cult than a religion, really) is some quite good acting, which is impressive when one considers that the disappointing screenplay doesn't give the actors much to work with.

Things unfold in an admittedly unpredictable fashion, but there is surprisingly little urgency or weight to the proceedings. I felt sorry for the characters, sure, but never truly emotionally invested.

Visually, it's flat too. The only real thing it tries to do that's unique is have shots sometimes where characters have a lot of head room (I dunno, to imply a metaphorical weight hanging over their heads? Or the fear of some almighty being watching from high above?) but it just looks so awkward and more like things are badly framed than anything else.

Said visuals coupled with the dull screenplay make the film a bit of a slog to get through, and slightly disappointing when it comes to emotional or entertainment value.

BUT: the acting is good, and the exposure of the inner workings of the Jehovah's Witnesses is vital and admirable. I hope word continues to spread, and furthermore, hope that one day someone attempts another film like this, but in a way that gives the story and themes more of a visceral impact.
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