It's a Sin (2021)
An Amazing BBC Series on a Not So Wonderful Time in the 80s (UPDATED)
25 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I binged on this series in America on HBOMax, and I found it terrific. I grew up in this time, and they do hit on the points.

Much of this was tough to watch, to be reminded of again, but there needs to be a memory. In the 80s, two prominent issues were going on: Crack/Drug Wars and HIV/AIDS. Those looking back on the times recall the music, the 'greed is good' mentality and fun. And it was. But it was also defined by the previous two issues mentioned as well.

While this was focusing on the gay male community, I can 100% identify with Jill Baxter's character (played wonderfully by Lydia West). I did what she did back then - first, I was TOTALLY misinformed about HIV/AIDS and was so afraid when finding out, then studying as much as I could about it. After Rock Hudson died in 1985, I ended up wanting to help. I volunteered on phones, helped collect donations at the grocery stores to get toothpaste, soap, shampoo, disposable shavers - things they needed, and volunteers would drop off. I, too, in the early '90s, walked through a hospital 'wing' of AIDS patients while visiting my best friend in his last days. I'm sure I seemed annoying 'buzzing' around my male gay friends being heterosexual too. Still, I was there with them. Not as a label, but as a human being. From beginning to end, and even inserting myself with those I didn't know. I remember.

I had many gay male friends back then. As young as I was, it didn't matter what their sexuality was; we had a great time as a group, a few of us like brothers and sisters. 1981-1984 we went dancing and clubbing, met after work or in the clubs. And some eventually 'went missing,' found out later they "got sick," and they've 90% 'gone home'/died now. I miss them, and I thought about them all watching this. That's how spot-on much of this is. The five-part series touches upon so much (and I understand it was supposed to be eight episodes or so, but it was a hard sell to get it on their air and ended up at 5). The thing is, I cannot begin to know or feel exactly how these men felt. I can tell how I felt around them and watching stuff unfold and how I felt with and for them. It was my coming of age. "It's a Sin" is a look at how the "middle generation" (there IS a middle generation as they were NOT Baby-Boomers or Gen X'ers, but that's another story) came of age.

In "It's A Sin," not all of the gay males are stereotypical characters. They each were motivated differently, and I observed how it separated the five male characters' lives and norms. I wish they did go with the eight parts because I am sure there is more character development with their families. For example - Ritchie, the lead, you figure out quickly. And there ARE some stereotypical aspects of the character. But you get to see sides of this from other characters too. The Gregory/Gloria character and his 'richer government-connected family' did have more to lose if anyone found out what his son had died of. You see that family's grief at Gregory's end. You know what they did -- to 'erase' him -- but unless you understand WHY they did what they did when Gregory died, it may be confusing. I'm guessing his story may have been edited, but it would have been essential for folks to get how people thought in those times of the families. They were placed under pressure as well as their ignorance about it. Jus wish they delved into I a bit more.

There is Roscoe, who may seem stereotypical. He wasn't to me, and I loved the "slap" scene in the beginning. However, his issues also concern immigration and how he and his family still looked to their original Country norms on dealing with him.

I did wish to learn more about Ash and HIS family as he was bright & sensitive. He seemed to have been able to "blend in" at times with the heterosexuals. Then not, so it seemed he too held back much. And the segments of Collin's story (played so realistically by Callum Scott-Howells and will be up for a BAFTA, no doubt!) choked me up. The character was a workaholic, quiet (repression), followed the rules - which made his end so tragic, crushing. What happened to him wasn't all 'homosexual' related to me. I know many of a heterosexual going through that, which is why it was tough to see even more. I had to take a few minutes before going onto the next segment in the series, as Collin's story hit me very hard.

And then the lead, Ritchie. As promiscuity goes, he was shown as way over the top. But in perspective, he did leave home, he did find himself, and he was open to BE himself in London. He now could study what he wanted. He found a best friend in Jill, a real one he could be himself. Jill - became his family. Ritchie has THE BEST scene explaining the misinformation about HIV/AIDS and how he thinks he is young and invincible (yep!) and didn't believe any of it. His newly found sexual freedoms were not to be cut short. Again, I can only see this from where I stand, but at that age, leaving home-and although Ritchie was their golden, (spoiled) child- he couldn't wait to be set free and when free - liked and loved. In "It's A Sin," there are MANY times we see that's what Ritchie wanted, and not just in "sex." While the writing was on the wall with Ritchie, his story doesn't make it less tragic.

Another area the series touched upon a tad (I wish it delved in a bit more) of something that I disliked the most at that time. It was the death of one and how the family scavenged and REFUSED to take care of them during the sickness or acknowledge their partner. We see his funeral, and the family at the funeral didn't want to mention he left behind his boyfriend. Subsequently, for families/folks who did 'kinda' say it back then, they listed them as a "Longtime Companion" in the obits. (And that is another film worth checking out as well). I witnessed a few of those families shutting out those long-term relationships. Those types of families did nothing to help their afflicted children. They wouldn't even talk or visit them. But they were on hand to take it all from the partner who took care of them. Those families were one of the most horrific parts of this in the 80s.

It was a scary, crazy time as information was all over the place from 1978-1985, and his little series touches on much of it. Scientists and researchers tried to find the sources and cures, which gives those who didn't live through it a good glimpse. I liked the main ensemble cast (Olly Alexander as Richard/Richie, my goodness! Start polishing your BAFTA! Omari Douglas as Roscoe, Nathaniel Curtis as Ash). They sold their parts to me, did a great job. I found the women very strong. Actress Keely Hawes as Ritchie's mom - I disliked her being so naive and doting in the beginning, hated her with a passion at the end. Her performance was just that powerful. Actress Seyan Sarvan deserves kudos, too, for playing her small role as the Lawyer/Advocate for Collin. That was a pivotal scene to get out a fundamental law that many who had AIDS in the UK didn't get to know or use.

I also wish to add this about the other performances - Neil Patrick Harris in Episode 1 was fantastic to begin this tale and start the heartbreak over what was coming. Oustanding actor! Steven Fry, coming in as a Government closeted mucky-muck, was good too. But as an American, I was a bit lost on some of the stuff he was doing (like the dinner with Roscoe and the other men at the table. I just assumed they were all closeted mucky-mucks with their protegees. I could be wrong.) Neil and Stephen both well-known faces/names, good roles that were moving the tale along.

"It's A Sin" gets high marks from me. It was very close to what I was around at the time. I loved the stories and the excellent cast that came together as its own little family, as well as knowing how tough it was to get it on TV. Don't miss this. While heartbreaking, while bringing up 'the real times of the 80s', this is a great series.
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