Review of Debris

Debris (2021)
Imagine the fate of the world was in the hands of Agent "Crybaby?"
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the GENIUS of "Wandavision" and "Resident Alien" we are subjected to this "network TV" work of nonsense. The show concerns some alien spacecraft blowing up or something, showering Earth with bits of DEBRIS that exhibit anti-gravity properties, along with causing supernatural occurrences. The two agents tasked with locating pieces of the craft and investigating what effects they are having are a REAL pair. A sensible sounding MI6 Brit female and an American male agent who looks like he'd be more at home in a show about someone who robs 7-11's. The agent is so out of charge of his emotions that he falls half apart when some girl tells a sad story. In-fact, the show is FILLED with melodramatic sub-plots about dead parents, dead kids, etc,. As sci-fi, it's nonsense, with little to no ideas posited about why the debris acts like it does. Hollywood is SO terrified of offering solid scifi stories that they resort to fantasy, because it requires no thought on the part of the viewer. They could have done a LOT better here.
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