Choose Your Words Better....
23 March 2021
First, let's get one thing straight, NONE of these "girls" are being taken advantage of. They are ALL MORE than aware of what is going on, and no one has held a gun to their heads. THEY LOVE the attention and the fast cash, and the paid-for lifestyle. They are fully aware of what is happening, and anyone who thinks they are innocent and being taken advantage of is a complete moron. These girls LOVE the attention, in the age of "followers" and "likes" these vapid people thrive on this crap. This is more a movie showing how they are living than it is an exploitation film. They all come willingly, they all log on willingly and they are doing what they want for money. In the age of "every woman is strong and intelligent" how can people say these are being taken advantage of? GIVE ME A BREAK. THEY LOVE THE MONEY AND LIFESTYLE.
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