Review of MASK

MASK (1985–1986)
Concealed Warriors
14 April 2021
This is another under the radar gem. This show like a lot of cartoons was based on the toy line which for it's time was a big hit much like "G. I. Joe" and "Transformers". But as time went on this franchise has become forgotten.

The animation is solid, it's as you would expect from 80's animation but it all works well and wouldn't want it any other way. I really do love the concept of futuristic spy action, it's always cool whenever you take an age-old concept/genre, but you put it in a different setting.

Despite being spy action it's different as it's more based on direct action and one heavily focused on both the gadget and vehicular combat elements that you would see from James Bond movies. But also makes sense with the 80's decade as there were shows like "Knight Rider" and "Airwolf" which were based on super vehicles.

Characters on both sides are decent they each have unique personas and serve their functions, they're not exactly three dimensional but like with most 80's action and animated shows they're not always known for great depth so you can't expect too much. Let alone were really in this show for the action anyway.

One character that stands out is the leader of Venom is Miles Mayhem who is a solid villain and an underrated animated villain. The character kind of looks like General Ross from "The Incredible Hulk" which you can say just adds to this guy's villainy. It's interesting and kind of funny how he is always wearing his generals' uniform much like how Oliver Wendell Douglas from "Green Acres" always wears his expensive suit while doing farm work.

The guy is true to his last name as he's pretty much the typical power mongering archetype but it's the execution that makes him stand out. He's a little over the top but in a good way which is part of what makes him funny; there is also a little menace as he is determined to get his way at all costs, whether it's a scheme to get rich quick, steel resources for his takeover campaign, or whatever scheme pops up like popcorn in his evil popcorn popper called a brain.

The action is solid well-choreographed as the characters use the Masks and the vehicles well. There is ground combat with the Mask which are cool and is unique as the weapons utilizes are Masks. I really like that because it's something different as their using non cleche weapons, and the way the battles are handle are sort of like superhero battles where the characters use superpowers, though here the characters use tech.

I really love the vehicles which are cool as a weapon within a weapon or two vehicles in one. Where you look at them at first and they look like any other vehicle you see every day but once they press that button, they turn into something else. Which I thought was cool and a nifty concept, it makes me which I could have that for the vehicle I own and drive, would be handy for road stalkers or crazy road ragers on the road.

The vehicular battles truly are the real kicker, it's just so awesome seeing those vehicles in action and both sides trying to blow each other away. Two favorite vehicles of mine are Matt Tracker's Car the Thunderhawk which is just so cool looking as it's sort of the DeLorean from "Back to the Future but also James Bond's car intermixed as it has all the gadgets and weapons he needs.

The other thing it can do is turn into sort of a jet fighter giving him both ground and air superiority; though the only inconstance are the fact the open doors expose the interior sides of the car which makes me wonder what the heck protects Matt when exposed.

Another vehicle I like is the Switchblade where it's a helicopter which turns into a jet fighter as well. This is cool even though he has air superiority he has two types of control of the sky, where with a chopper he can fly in mid and low range as well as land where he needs but his combat power is minimum. With his jet mode he can go higher and faster and have more powerful attacks in the air and ground.

I love the designs of the masks, each of them has different functions, I love that they're the main weapons which makes them cool but also non cleche. Each of the masks are tools and weapons by their nature only you wear them, and they can discharge at vocal or thought command. Which kind of makes it easy and less clunky than to always carry weapons in different places wherever you go. Though I always wondered if they had a digital gauge to know how much charge their masks always had and where the outlet is for recharge.

The theme song is just excellent, it's one of my favorite theme songs of all time. The song of course was done by the same guy that did the theme for "Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors" which makes this all the better. The song is just so memorable along with the intro to it, it just tells you all you need to know but also just really pumps you up, letting you know you're in for some fast and furious action.

The only bad things about the show are Matt's kid Scott and that stupid robot. Both characters I always thought were out of place, annoying and useless. This show could of easily of done with Matt just being single and not a single father which really did nothing for the story.

The other problem is the show can be on the predictable side as most of the plotlines in the show kind of blend together which is a fundamental problem procedural shows like "Hawaii Five O", "CSI" and others have. However just like those shows, this is a problem to easily get past as this only occurs sometimes.

And last it was the second to last season which wasn't very good as it felt like a completely different TV show. This is a fundamental problem certain shows in their twilight seasons suffer from like the final season of "Castle" which sucked. Either because they were running out of gas in the ideas tank or trying to go a different direction which always turns out to be the wrong one.

I'd personally love to see a revival animated series, but one with a more mature feel where it's darker and the stakes are truly high. This animated series could continue off or be slightly inspired by the IDW comic book mini-series (for the record was cool) or do your own thing it's up to them as long as it works. And having a revival animated series might not be far off as there is the possibility of a live action film adaption about to be made which I deeply hope won't break down. Well thoughts to consider.

"M. A. S. K." is a good fit.

Rating: 3 stars.
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