Review of The Command

The Command (2018)
If you announce "Based on True Story", respect the truth!
22 April 2021
I watch all films by Thomas Vinterberg. "Festen" was great; "The Hunt" was excellent. "Kursk" ("The Command") successfully recreates the tight life on a submarine. But it does not live up to its self-billing of a "true story." The film blames Navy admirals (sweet to see the old Max von Sydow one last time) for refusing foreign help. In fact, the new Russian President Vladimir Putin was the one who refused help for days. Moreover, Putin did not interrupt his Black Sea vacation to engage in the rescue of the sailors. It was not "Admiral Petrenko" but Putin himself who met with the families in a closed doors multi-hour meeting. A new widow of the submarine sailor emotionally criticized Putin, and was forcibly tranquilized and removed from the room.

Dear Vinterberg: were you scared to portray Putin in the film? If so, don't undertake such a film, or at least don't call it a "true story." Even later, when Larry King, asked Putin in an interview "What happened to the submarine?" - Putin replied with a callous smirk "She drowned." The heart-breaking letter was written by Dmitri Kolesnikov, the commander of the torpedo section - why not honor him by using the real name? You ascribed the letter to the submarinen commander-in-chief, which is false. Listen to a song "Captain Kolesnokov" By Yuri Shevchuk - it is true to real feelings from this tragedy.

Who about death will tell us two truthful words, It is a pity the fallen sailors have no black boxes.

Pencil breaks, it's cold, it's dark -- Captain Kolesnikov is writing a letter to us.
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