Homeland: America First (2017)
Season 6, Episode 12
Worn out scenario with minor sparkles
6 May 2021
The highlight (so to speak) of the finale was Quinn's sacrifice. Considering that Quinn was this season most interesting character, I wonder if that was the way to go. There wasn't much left to do with Quinn, but Rupert Friend definitely outshined everybody (Danes included) with his interpretation of such a complex, broken character.

For the rest, the show went down the well-trodden path of wrapping up the drama in the first ten minutes and then spending the rest of the time with Carrie's domestic issues (season 3, 4 and 5 all ended on a similar note). It is even more noticeable, when binge-watching now that the series ended.

Apart from the finale, what is also repetitive (and unbelievable) is that Carrie is the only one who can see what is "really" going on and nobody believes her. A tired theme and particularly jarring this season.

Finally, Carrie's disillusionment with the CIA should have come later in the overall plot. Perhaps at the end of this season, since the story drags on for another two series and I really wonder how they will keep it up, since the most interesting, charismatic characters are dying one by one. What's left so far is the worn out dynamic of the Saul-Carrie love/hate relationship and a very uncharismatic President.
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