Initiation (II) (2020)
Pretty Decent Slasher-ish movie.
7 May 2021
INITIATION is a pretty decent slasher-ish movie. The acting is very good especially from the lead actress. The gore is decent although it's not the bloodbath some of the reviews here are saying. The reason why i say "slasher-ish" is due to the fact that the film has a very low body count. The whole movie only has about 4 kills and none of the kills are shocking or creative at all (a drill, a knife, a spike). The other minor issue with the film is that they sort of make it obvious who the killer is relatively early-ish in the film. The main question left to figure out is why the killer is doing what he or she is doing which we of course do learn (but the reason why is kind of meh...).

THE WORST THING ABOUT THIS MOVIE(!!!) the over use/abuse of on screen texts/social media which make it (at least on my tv) nearly impossible to read what characters are saying to each other!!

I don't know why filmmakers who incorporate texting/social media posts in their films don't MAKE THE TEXTS/POSTS READABLE!!!! Way too many films do this and it's very annoying especially when plot points rely on text posts.
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