This is how you adapt a book, people!
27 May 2021
After practically inhaling the book, I ran to see if there was a movie (surely, something so amazing had to have been at least attempted to be turned into one), and to my delight there was. And it was amazing.

Somehow, everything I imagined whilst reading the book, and the way its quintessential British humour often made me laugh loudly and suddenly and choke on my food, was perfectly translated into the movie. The CGI was absolutely breathtaking - the Magrathea factory floor in particular blew my mind, as well as the zoom out from Arthur's house just as the Earth is destroyed. I also loved the interpretation of the Heart of Gold - amongst all of the sleek fighter-jet-type things people seem to like in Star Wars, it's nice to sometimes see what's pretty much a big blob floating through space.

Let me just say it: this movie is funny. Now, that is something I say veeerrrryyyyy rarely. But that somewhat straight-faced nonchalant kind of matter-of-fact humour that made the book what it was really came through here. In particular, I really enjoyed the entire cast's portrayal of the characters, and somehow Alan Rickman as the voice of a depressed robot is perfect. Also: I highly recommend reading the book before you watch this. Partially because otherwise it will be pretty confusing, and partially because it's one of the greatest works of fiction I've ever read.

I really don't get everyone's problem with this movie. I guess it's just everyone being all 'tHeY cHaNgeD sOmE StUfF', because clearly some people don't realise that the movie isn't supposed to be a carbon-copy of the book. However, despite not being a carbon-copy of the book, the feel of the book was very much there - even the segments that weren't there in the original book somehow fit in really well with the plot line. I've read somewhere that a lot of said segments are brought up in the later books which I intend to start reading immediately.

Also, there's the fact that you are trying to put an entire, ridiculously flamboyant, extravagant book into a two-hour movie. Which is often going to be viewed by people who have not read the book. So it's pretty unavoidable to have to cut and shorten some of the explanations.

Anyway, this is a great movie. It's crazy, it's pretty ridiculous, but it is hilarious, and you should watch it.

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