Backdraft (1991)
6 June 2021
Holy 90s Batman! I've never seen this one before but good lord it feels so much like Top Gun for fire fighters. Backdraft comes fully loaded with machismo, overdramatic montages and a soundtrack with ridiculous music that tries to emotionally blackmail you into the feels. That said... I kinda dig it. Kurt Russel is quite possibly the most underrated action star of all time. In a world of Schwarzeneggers and Stallones running through jungles, both vegetative and concrete, with their massive, glistening physiques we also have Kurt Russel doing insane movies that really let his personality shine.

That seems endemic of Backdraft by the way. This movie is bonkers but it's a lot of fun. Also, when we are practically drowning in a sea of police movies and procedural dramas it's oddly refreshing to see fire fighters represented, problems and all. Again, it's far from a perfect movie but absolutely one I think is worth checking out and enjoying. Just be ready for some crazy.

Oh, also? The cast on this is insane. It feels like they got everyone in Hollywood to be part of this movie and they actually balanced it really well. For instance, De Niro is in this but he's actually a pretty small role and never takes over the movie, and we all know he could. But this is a who's who of 90s talent and that so often doesn't work but it does here.
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